You are currently browsing the monthly archive for November 2010.

I know it’s been a little while since my last post.  I left you knowing that we are going in a new direction.  That JOY is our ultimate goal.  That we are making decisions as a family to go out and only do what we love.  In the name of my late parents we are all about living for the moment.

If you knew that retirement wasn’t an option and you weren’t going to be able to do what you love when you retire, how would you live your life today?

Joy is where inspired actual LIVING occurs and this blog is about doing that in our careers, in our home, and in yours!

I love color and I love art.  And that is what I KNOW!

We are here in Ocean City NJ for a week with dear friends.  We are here to celebrate Thanksgiving together because we know how important it is to experience pure joy.  I knew that this being the first Thanksgiving without my mother, and the fifth without my father; that family was not going to spread new joy.  I’m still a little raw from the loss of these incredibly people, and I need to surround myself with new experience.  So here we are in OC NJ loving life.

There is something magical about this quaint Oceanside town in the fall.  I think I prefer to go to the beach now, rather than the summer.  Alex (hubby) keeps talking about how the sand doesn’t stick to you because you aren’t all sweaty.  The streets are so quiet.  We have the beaches to ourselves.  The service providers in all the stores and restaurants are so friendly and warm because they are grateful for your business.  I love it here, and I think we’ve started a new tradition.

I’ve often said, I wish I could just wake up every morning and paint.  This week, during this vacation, I’ve realized down to my deepest soul that I’m the ONLY one stopping myself from doing just that.  I decide to put pressure on myself to accomplish other things.  I decide to push myself to go after the money rather than the joy.  I am the only one who worries how this could possibly work.  It is my goal to set my life up so that I wake up everyday and paint.  Watch for the changes because I think it’s about to get good!!!!

Thanks Mom and Dad for making it possible to experience this beautiful time.  Thank you Ocean City for sharing your little town with me and giving me the continued inspiration to listen to my inner voice.  Thank you to my hubby and son for supporting me to follow my bliss.  Thank you to my friends who are still holding my hand whenever I ask!  What’s your bliss?  Are you following it?  Is there anything I can do to help?
